Chcemy, by odpowiedzialność środowiskowa oraz etyka w handlu były znakami rozpoznawczymi naszej firmy. Cenimy również jasne stanowiska i dobrych partnerów w tych kwestiach.


Wszystkie nasze trzy europejskie oddziały posiadają certyfikat ISO 9001:2015 i ISO 14001:2015.

ISO 9001:2015

This certificate is valid for following scope:
R&D of gloves for industrial, food and health services. R&D, production, sales, and distribution of high-performance textile materials and garments for use in personal protection. Sales and distribution of gloves, medical face masks and medical gowns for industrial, food and health services.

ISO 14001:2015

This certificate is valid for following scope:
R&D of gloves for industrial, food and health services. R&D, production, sales, and distribution of high-performance textile materials and garments for use in personal protection. Sales and distribution of gloves, medical face masks and medical gowns for industrial, food and health services.

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